Golf Day 2022 – The Archer Project
On Friday, 19th August, we hosted a Charity Golf Day alongside Nicholas Associates Group to help raise funds for The Archer Project.
Thanks to all the generous teams that participated in the fantastic event, the charity golf day 2022 managed to raise an amazing £4000!
The money raised will further aid The Archer Project’s ambitions of helping more homeless people feel welcomed along with the vital support they provide to move away from homelessness. Lynne Urpeth, Fundraising Team Manager from Archer Project said, “We are grateful to all the companies that took part as we rely heavily on donations like this to support our work. The money raised will help to support Sheffield’s homeless by assisting them to develop independence, tackle setbacks, change negative behaviours and build their wellbeing.”
Commenting on the success of the golf day, Bruce Allen, FD at Nicholas Associates Group said, “I am delighted we have been able to build on the success of last year’s event and our strengthening relationship with everyone involved with the Archer Project. The values of this charity align with our own, to enable people to be their best through empowerment”
Andy Bethel from CSP Systems commented “We have expanded the number of teams taking part which has in turn increased the amount raised, the day was a fantastic success, we hope to build on this for next year. Thanks again to Wortley for hosting our event so professionally.”
Our Overall winners on the day, decided on a countback, with 90 points were Harris & Co Accountants!
Our Overall winners on the day were Harris & Co Accountants!
With over 100 players across 26 teams we had some individual winners too, Steve Bethel for longest drive. Along with Brian Jepson and Steve Bethel for nearest the pin on holes 9 and 16. The event also witnessed a hole in one by Stuart Hitchman representing City Taxis.
Congratulations to all who took part and hopefully we will see you on our next Charity Golf Day!